Tuesday, March 27, 2012
TPLF and their hatred for Amhara people.
Ever since TPLF took power, they have targeting people of Amhara origin in their campaign of ethnic cleansing. They have displaced, tortured, and brutally killed Amharas any way they could and continue to do so. The most notable being the Bedeno genocide, where they threw men, women, and children of Amhara ethnic group down a shallow hole while alive. They have also targeted Amharas in Wollega, Awasa, Jima, and also in all remote places in the country where Amharas reside. Nowadays, being from the Amhara ethnic group is being portraid as a crime by the TPLF propaganda machine. It is indeed a crime to be an Amhara as long as TPLF is in power for they would treat anyone who is found to be an Amhara falls with in the regimes radar for possible mistreatment in the hands of the regimes hirarchy. Just this week, DW radio and other media outlets reported the TPLF regime forcefully displaced over twenty thousand Amharas from a place in southern Ethiopia called Bench Maji Zone. Their only crime was being an Amhara. They have been told that they didn't belong in that area because they are not from the native ethnic group that traditionally inhabited the area and that they aught to go back to the designated area the TPLF regime called Amara Kilil aka Kilil 3 as it diveded Ethiopian by ethnic lines. As an amhara, I feel deep bitterness against Tigrayans, and evil thoughts cross my mind everytime I hear about the brutal campaign TPLF is waging against my people simply because TPLF came from the Tigrayan people. But I do my best to held my self back and avoid evil thought against Tigrayans because I know there are Tigrayans out there who fiercely oppose the crimes the TPLF regime keeps to commit against people of other ethnic groups; Amharas in particular. Tigrayans like Getachew Reda, who I see as my hero, and one of the few Ethiopian nationalists who are fighting the brutal, and racist regime that has marginalized Tigrayans from the rest of Ethiopian people, and possibly set them up for future retaliation in the hands of the oppressed, are who inspire me to refute such thoughts from taking control of me. The TPLF regime has been working day and night to divide Ethiopian people by ethnicity, color, religion, and terf since before they set foot in Minilik Palace, thanks in all part to Col. Mengistu Hailemariam who single handedly crippled his own regime and opened the door for them by riding Ethiopia of bright generation of students and military leaders alike who could have succeeded in dismantling the EPLF and TPLF bandits even before they crossed the Mereb river. Up on toppling the brutal DERG regime, TPLF bandits and their accompaning OLF/ Interhamwe militias couldn't wait to take action against an ethnic group they deeply dispised for crimes they alleged it had commited agains the people they claim to represent since the Milik regime or before, none of which is yet to be supported by evidence. They co-ordinated the infamous campaign in Bedeno and Arba Gugu where, like i stated above, they forcefully pushed Amharas into shallow holes and displaced their relatives who managed to escape in campaign. Ethiopia is in such a dire state. Never before there has been a regime in Ethiopia that intentionally gave away its territory and harbor without the people's concent. Never before, there has been a regime in Ethiopia that divided the nation by ethnic lines. Never before, there has been a regime in Ethiopia that gave away pieces of the nations territories to neigboring countries as if it is a piece of Ambasha/ bread it wants to share. Never before, there has been a regime in Ethiopia that targeted other ethnic groups for genocide. Never before, there has been a regime that claimed to have represented a single ethnic group in the country. That is why the only way Ethiopians can live in their own country without being treated like strange creatures is by over- throwing the TPLF regime by all means necessary. TPLF DOES NOT REPRESENT TIGRAYAN PEOPLE ! TIGRAYANS MUST DO MORE TO DISASSOCIATE THEMSELVES FROM THIS FASCIST REGIME AND LEAD THE FIGHT AGAINST IT ! THE WAY TO COUNTER A DIVISIVE REGIME IS BY UNITING AGAINST IT AND BEYOND ! LONG LIVE ETHIOPIA ! DEATH TO TPLF AND ITS AFFILIATES !
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